Suited Fox was Founded by Kevin L. Fox in 2016
How did this happen:
Kevin majored in Fashion Illustration and Design at Virginia Commonwealth University. After taking an explorative detour into the financial industry, Kevin learned that looking good made success in any industry easier. It became his goal to help others to look like the person that they wanted to be. The Suited Fox was born to help others look and feel good by providing the perfect fit attire that shows confidence and success. Our mantra ‘Custom is a lifestyle’ is the cornerstone of The Suited Fox.

Our story
The Suited Fox, in one word, is Bespoke. We are your premier choice for style. Suits, slacks, shirts, and more… all items to help you build a wardrobe to rival every man and woman. We have a great selection of fabrics and styles to suit your every need. Our packages are designed to fit most budgets, lending more opportunity to dress to your “well-suited” potential.
Studies show that dressing well has a direct correlation with success. When you dress better, you feel better. When you feel better, you do better.
The Suited Fox is all about helping men be their best-dressed selves. Why look the same when you can stand out? Years ago, when men needed something to wear, they went to their tailor. The Suited Fox brings back the best of our past. Custom made clothing to match your individual style.